手机内容让人深陷其中,大好时光在无形中被偷走,这是手机的伦理缺陷。为此出现了“好好利用时间”行动,这是一项将科技与人文相关联的设计新风。“我的手机就是一部老虎机。每次检查手机,滚动看新闻提要,就像在玩老虎机——我明显是陷在里面了,始终不能自拔,你要么分心,要么因害怕错过重要信息而备受煎熬。”特里斯坦·哈里斯(Tristan Harris)是“好好利用时间”行动的发起人,作为一名设计师,他发出了这样的质疑:科技让我们陷入这样极端的关系中,我们该怎么办?2007年,特里斯坦从斯坦福大学计算机硕士专业辍学后,创立了Apture公司,在2009年就被Inc杂志评为美国30个年龄小于30岁的杰出CEO,排名第16位。Apture让数以
Mobile content is deeply rooted among them, good times stolen virtually, this is the phone’s ethical defects. For this reason, there has been a “Make the most of time” action, a new design style that links technology to humanity. “My phone is a slot machine. Every time I check my phone and scroll through the news feed, it’s like playing a slot machine - I’m obviously trapped in it, I’m stuck with it, you’re either distracted, or you miss out on important information And tormented. ”Tristan Harris is the promoter of“ Take the Time ”action. As a designer, he questions the fact that technology has drawn us into such an extreme In 2007, Tristan founded Apture after dropping out of Master’s program in Computer Science from Stanford University. In 2009, Tristan was ranked by Inc Magazine as one of the 30 prominent CEOs under the age of 30 in the United States. 16 bits. Apture let a few