我市自1995年首次传入2例HIV感染者.至1996年底.其报告HIV感染者7例.所有感染者均为山东省艾滋病监测中心确认,并逐冽进行个案调查.为掌握我市HIV的感染特点.为制订防制对策提供依据,现将调查资料分析如下:1 感染者基本特征7例HIV感染者均为汉族;男性6例.女性1例;年龄26~48岁;均为农民.已婚;文化程度小学3例.初中3例.文盲1例.新泰市5例.东平县2例、分布在4个乡镇6个行政村.所在村镇经济比较落后、家庭收入较低.
The city first introduced 2 cases of HIV-infected persons in 1995. By the end of 1996, it reported 7 cases of HIV-infected people, all of which were confirmed by the AIDS Prevention Center of Shandong Province and conducted case-by-case investigation. The characteristics of infection in order to provide a basis for the development of control measures, the survey data are as follows: 1 the basic characteristics of infected 7 cases of HIV-infected Han were all; 6 males and 1 female; aged 26 to 48 years; . Married; primary education in 3 cases. Junior high school in 3 cases. Illiterate in 1. Xintai City in 5 cases. Dongping County in 2 cases, distributed in 4 towns and 6 administrative villages where the township economy is relatively backward, lower household income.