
来源 :延边党校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pb2001
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以物流为特征的图们江地区开发与以人流为特征的旅游经济有必然的联系。为此,本文作者根据本区旅游资源与开发潜力,提出了“以旅游促开发、以开发促旅游”的联动发展的战略依据与战略对策。 The development of the Tumen River area characterized by logistics has the necessary connection with the tourist economy characterized by the flow of people. Therefore, based on the tourism resources and development potentials in this area, the author put forward the strategic basis and strategic countermeasures for the coordinated development of “promoting development through tourism, developing and promoting tourism”.
1.大腿骨 2.小腿骨 3、4.肋骨 5.头盖骨1985年夏,巴林右旗沙巴尔台苏木查干锡热嘎查敖包恩格日独贵龙牧民昭日格图放牧时,在距独贵龙约1.5公里处的大沟内发现古生物化石4块,随即