我是二野军政大学三分校四总队第二期学员。二野军大是我的革命摇篮,我在这里接受了马克思主义和人民军队思想的启蒙教育,她决定了我一生的人生道路。 在夜雨中站队候考 1949年12月中旬,二野军大三分校四总队开始招收第二期学员。招收的对象和条件是具有高中以上文化程度、思想进步的男女青年。公告在重庆街头贴
I was the second field of the second field of the second field military administration university third corps. The Second Military and Military University is the cradle of my revolution. Here I have received the enlightenment education of Marxist and people’s army ideas. She has decided the life path of my life. In the rainy night standing waiting test In mid-December 1949, the Second Field Army junior three Corps began to recruit the second phase of the students. The objects and conditions of enrollment are young men and women who have high school education and advanced thinking. Announcement posted in Chongqing street