每当我踏上黄土高原总是百感交集、思绪万千,在中国度过的那些美好而难忘的日日夜夜也会一齐涌上心头,历历在目。 21年前,我在日本还是个普通的工薪族,虽说工作稳定,却因厌倦办公室句心斗角的气氛,正寻找新的人生价值。经过3个月的苦苦思索,我终于下定决心:到中国留学。于是,重新开始了汉语学习。 3年之后,我的汉语水平有了很大提高。一天午休时间,部长找到我,希望我为当天晚上举办的中国研修生欢
Whenever I set foot on the Loess Plateau are always mixed feelings, thoughts, those who spent in China, beautiful and memorable day and night will come together in my heart, vividly. Twenty-one years ago, I was still an ordinary wage earner in Japan. Although I was working steadily, I was looking for new values in my life because I was tired of the mood in the office. After three months of hard thinking, I finally made up my mind to study in China. As a result, Chinese learning was resumed. Three years later, my Chinese has greatly improved. One day during the lunch break, the minister found me and hoped that I would like to host the Chinese trainees