菲律宾碧瑶城消息:据加利福尼亚大学的Paul YK Wu说,出生后24小时发生黄疸的新生儿应认为是异常的,并应立即引起注意。他说,如果不用光线疗法加以控制,其新生儿血中的胆红素量便能产生导致脑病的异常神经病学作用。对于早产儿必须考虑到这种威胁。
Baguio City, Philippines: According to Paul YK Wu of the University of California, Newborns with jaundice 24 hours after birth should be considered abnormal and should receive immediate attention. He said that the amount of bilirubin in the newborn’s blood can produce an abnormal neuropathology that leads to encephalopathy without being controlled by phototherapy. This must be taken into account for premature babies.