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洪昭光教授系北京安贞医院副院长,我国著名心内科、老年病专家。他于20世纪70年代开始潜心研究高血压、冠心病的防治,取得了累累硕果:曾先后获得卫生部和北京市科技进步二等、三等奖共10项,编著出版了《实用高血压学》等10余本专著,发表学术论文100余篇、科普文章300余篇。近几年来,洪教授致力于健康知识的普及工作,足迹踏遍大江南北,先后应邀作了上百场大型防病保健专题报告,场场爆满,使成千上万个家庭受益匪浅。他的健康知识讲座被广大百姓奉为“健康宝典”。本刊从2003年第3期起,刊发洪昭光编著的《让健康伴随着你》一书的精髓,旨在让更多的人尤其是部队的广大官兵,按照科学文明的方式生活,健康享受每一天,让“人生百岁”的梦想真正成为现实。 Professor Hong Zhaoguang is an associate dean of Beijing Anzhen Hospital, a famous expert of cardiology and geriatrics in our country. He began to concentrate on the prevention and treatment of hypertension and coronary heart disease in the 1970s. He has obtained a great deal of achievements: he has successively obtained 10 second and third prizes of the Ministry of Health and Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Progress, edited and published “Practical Hypertension More than 10 monographs, published more than 100 academic papers, popular science articles more than 300 articles. In recent years, Professor Hung has devoted himself to promoting the popularization of health knowledge. His footprints have traveled all over the country from north to south. He has invited hundreds of large-scale special reports on disease prevention and health care. The field is full and thousands of families benefit greatly. His health knowledge lectures by the general public as ”Health Collection.“ Since the third issue of 2003, the magazine publishes the essence of ”Making Health Followed by You“ by Hong Zhaoguang, aimed at letting more people, especially the vast majority of officers and soldiers in the army, live and be healthy in a scientific and civilized manner Enjoy every day, so that the dream of ”a hundred years of life" really become a reality.
罗恩·阿拉迪(Ron Arad),英国著名设计师,在英国乃至整个欧洲的设计界内有重要地位。他原籍为以色列,中学时学习美术,移居英国之后学习建筑设计。80年代初,阿拉迪创建了他的
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