《四川烹饪》1995年第1期有郝祖涛先生文章《调味规范纵横谈》。拜读之后,就其中关于目前调味规范化即定量方面的见解,觉有不妥之处,在此提出异言,与郝祖涛先生商榷。 郝先生文中提到:“……《中国名菜谱》(16册)丛书中,每一款菜肴的调料选择、调料数量及调兑程序界定都非常清晰明确,尤其是调味品数量的确定,更是调味规范上的巨大进步。”《中国名菜谱》丛书全套16本,笔者有其一,印“四
“Sichuan cooking” in 1995 the first one has Mr. Hao Zutao article “seasoning regulations chatting.” After I read it, I feel that there is something wrong about the current standardization of the flavoring, ie, the quantification of flavoring. My allegation was made here and my question was discussed with Mr. Hao Zutao. Mr. Hao mentioned in the article: “... ...” Chinese cookbook “(16 volumes) series, each dish seasoning choice, the number of spices and the redemption procedures are very clear and definite, especially the number of condiments to determine and more Is a huge improvement in the norms of seasoning. ”“ Chinese cookbook ”a full set of 16 books, I have one, printed" four