On the Relationship between China and the International Energy Agency

来源 :China's Foreign Policy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kelu1fu
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China's energy consumption has climbed year by year and now is bumping up against a resource shortage and ecological pressures.Abalance in economic development, energy security and environment sustainability is necessary.For coordinating the "3E's" developed countries rely on the International Energy Agency.For 40 years the IEA has accumulated experience in matters such as building up strategic oil storage,dealing with energy supply crises, coordinating energy policy, optimizing energy structure and improving energy efficiency.China has not joined the IEA.Should it? What is their relationship and what does it presage?
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调查说明  调查时间:2014年4月4日-11日  调查样本: 5864份(网络调查5439份,随机书面问卷425份)  数据处理:网络调查占权重70%,随机问卷调查占30%;数据保留到小数点后一位  网络支持:人民论坛网、凤凰网、网易  调查目的  十八大以来,中央查处了一系列腐败大案要案,取得了明显成效。然而,反腐倡廉是一项长期而艰巨的任务。腐败大案要案,多是窝案,背后往往存在权力个人化、家族
传说性爱是女人最好的美容药。然而并非每个热衷于此的女性都被滋润得如花朵一般。办公室中那些带着黑眼圈上班的美眉甚至可能偷偷对闺蜜说,好讨厌啊,每次性爱后都憔悴不堪。什么样的性爱会让人变丑,什么样的性爱又会使人变美呢?     最美容性爱  完美前戏=美丽女人  完美前戏中的钻石级美容秘方是先生对太太的赞美。我肤色略黑,过去总对自己的皮肤没信心,先生却常常在前戏时称赞我的皮肤像巧克力一样丝滑性感带着清