按人头付费 多层次保障——泰国医疗保险的几个特点

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到1997年,泰国共有4700多万人参加了各种各样的医疗保险,占全国总人口的85%还多。泰国医疗保险主要分以下几个层次: 一是政府工作人员的医疗保障计划。它不仅向政府工作人员本人提供免费的医疗保障,同时也向其亲属提供同等水平的待遇。目前此项保障计划覆盖660万人,占全国总人口的10%多。其基金来自于国家税收,由财政部进行管理。 二是社会保障计划下的医疗保险。它是一种强制性保险,它向受保人提供非因工疾病、伤残、死亡保险,其基金来源于雇员、雇主和政府三方缴纳(各为职工工资的1%)的社会保障基金。 三是工人补偿金计划下的医疗保险类似于我国的工伤保险。它向受保人提供因工作原因导致的疾病、伤残、死亡保险,其基金来源同社会保障计划下的医疗保险。社会保障计划下的医疗保险和工人补偿金计划下的医疗保险均由泰国劳动福利部下属的社会保障办公室负责。目前这两项计划覆盖480万人,约占泰国总人口数的8%。 By 1997, more than 47 million Thai people had participated in various kinds of medical insurance, accounting for more than 85% of the country’s total population. Thailand Medical Insurance is divided into the following levels: First, the government staff medical insurance plan. It not only provides free medical insurance to government workers themselves, but also provides their relatives with the same level of treatment. At present, this guarantee scheme covers 6.6 million people, accounting for more than 10% of the total population of the country. Its funds come from state taxes and are administered by the Ministry of Finance. Second, under the social security scheme medical insurance. It is a compulsory insurance scheme that provides insured persons with non-work-related illness, disability and death insurance. Its funds come from social security funds (three percent of employees’ wages) paid by employees, employers and the government. Third, the medical insurance scheme under the worker compensation scheme is similar to that of China’s industrial injury insurance. It provides insured persons with sickness, disability and death insurance due to work-related reasons, and its source of funds is covered by the medical insurance under the social security scheme. The medical insurance under the Social Security Scheme and the medical insurance under the Workers’ Compensation Scheme are the responsibility of the Social Security Office under the Ministry of Labor and Welfare of Thailand. At present, these two plans cover 4.8 million people, accounting for about 8% of Thailand’s total population.
[摘要] 2010年8月20日至30日期间,采集汉江流域(陕西省汉中市和安康市,湖北省襄樊市和武汉市)表层的水体样品,并测定水体样品的pH值、电导率、总硬度、化学需氧量(CODMn)、硝酸盐氮(NO3-- N)和总汞含量(T-Hg),旨在分析和评价汉江流域表层水体的水质情况。结果表明:(1) 采样期间采样点pH值的变化范围为7.65-8.13(7.90 ± 0.12),电导率的变化范围为15.70
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