Characteristics of Humic Substances in Paddy Soils

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In the present paper, the composition of humus and the charateHstics of humic acid from seven paddy soils were compared with those of upland (and / or natural) soils. Results show that :(1) in each group of the soil samples for comparison the HA / FA ratio of the humus of a paddy soil, in most cases, was appreciably higher than that of adjacent upland (and / or natural) soil derived from the same parent material; (2) the humic acid extracted from the paddy soils was characterized by a higher C/ O ratio, a higher content of methoxyl groups, and a lower content of carboxyl groups than those from the corresponding upland (and / or natural) flooded soils, implying that the humic acid formed under rice cultivation is in a lower degree of humification than that formed under upland (and / or natural) conditions; and (3) the humic acid of paddy soils, however, was not always characterized by a lower aromaticity than that of the corresponding upland (and / or natural) soils. In the present paper, the composition of humus and the charateHstics of humic acid from seven paddy soils were compared with those of upland (and / or natural) soils. Results show that: (1) in each group of the soil samples for comparison the HA / FA ratio of the humus of a paddy soil, in most cases, was appreciably higher than that of adjacent upland (and / or natural) soil derived from the same parent material; (2) the humic acid extracted from the paddy soils was characterized by a higher content of methoxyl groups, and a lower content of carboxyl groups than those from the corresponding upland (and / or natural) flooded soils, implying that the humic acid formed under rice cultivation is in a lower degree of humification than that formed under upland (and / or natural) conditions; and (3) the humic acid of paddy soils, however, was not always characterized by a lower aromaticity than that of the corresponding upland (and / or natural) soils.
摘 要:宋词是我国古典文学的宝贵财富。在宋词中,词人往往基于自身的困顿或国家的不幸,将自身的思想和情感借助隐喻这一手法表达出来。因此,对宋词的隐喻手法的研究具有重要意义。本文以前人的相关研究理论作为基础,对宋词中的隐喻手法做出探析。  关键词:宋词;延伸隐喻;反向隐喻  古典诗词在我国众多的文学体裁中,最能集中而又含蓄地表达作者的思想和情感,其中,宋词是古典诗词的阆苑里最为绚丽明艳的花朵之一。词人
摘 要:本文采用文献资料法、访谈法分析和研究体育锻炼处方在中学中应用的现状,提出了具体的实施策略。通过研究和制订相应的运动处方,能够使学生体育健身有一个更加多元化的方式,加强其对运动的信心。  关键词:中学体育;运动处方;应用;对策  在传统的教育模式中,学生被动地按照教师的安排掌握一些体育技能。这种教学方法很容易让学生感到疲倦和反感。运动处方的教学模式,更重视学生的不同需求和个体差异,以最好的方
平面的七巧板和立体的积木大家肯定都玩过,能把平面图形一瞬间变成3D立体模型的玩具你玩过吗?这款神奇的玩具就是来自美国的3D磁力玩具——麦格弗磁力片。这款玩具的基本零件就是一片片带有磁性的几何图形,虽然看起来很简单,但通过不同的组合搭配可以变换出千变万化的造型。  基本零件  麦格弗磁力片套装中的零件每个都带有磁性,任何两个零件都能够互相吸附结合。这些零件中都有什么几何图形呢?对了,有三角形、正方形
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