
来源 :福建党史月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:andrew2011
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闽东工农红军独立团海上独立营成立于1934年,营长柯成贵是在霞浦长大的福州人。 1925年,柯成贵到福州格致中学读书。这年,上海发生五卅惨案,福州各界人士纷纷声援上海工人斗争,柯成贵以饱满的爱国热情,积极参加抵制日货、示威游行等活动,在和进步同学的交往中,开始阅读《新青年》、《新潮》等进步刊物。 1928年春,柯成贵回到霞浦西洋岛。正是春汛季节,渔霸与官府勾结强占渔场,渔民怨声载道。柯成贵和渔霸讲理,反被殴打了一顿。柯成贵忍无可忍,找机会杀死渔霸,连夜远走他乡。在流浪期间,柯成贵结交了一些江湖朋友,并得到他们的资助,买了几条枪。 1931年底,柯成贵潜回西洋岛。又逢渔汛季节,渔霸仍然对渔民敲诈勒索,他串联了一些受害者,拿起武器和渔霸斗争,队伍很快发展到百余人。县政府报请国民党省保安司令部派兵“进剿”,柯成贵凭借辽阔海疆,数次击败来犯之敌。这支队伍打出“除暴安良”、“劫富济贫”的旗号,深得贫苦渔民的拥护,但也存在队伍不纯的致命弱点。有的人闹帮派,有的人赌博、抽大烟,违反纪律的现 Fujian Red Detachment of Detachment of Workers and Peasants was founded in 1934 by battalion leader Kecheng Gui, a Fuzhou native who grew up in Xiapu. In 1925, Kecheng Gui to Fuzhou Gezhi middle school. This year, a massacre was held in Shanghai on May 30th. People from all walks of life in Fuzhou supported the workers in Shanghai one after another. With active patriotic enthusiasm and active participation in such activities as boycott of Japanese goods and demonstrations, Ko began his “New Youth” , “Trendy” and other progress publications. In the spring of 1928, Kecheng Gui returned to Xiapu Western Island. It is the spring flood season, fishing tyrants and government collusion fishing grounds, fishermen complained. Kecheng Gui and Pa Pao justification, was beaten up. Kecheng intolerable, looking for a chance to kill the fishing tyrants, overnight away from home. During the wandering period, Kecheng Gui made friends and get their funding, bought a few guns. At the end of 1931, Kecheng Gui retreated to the island of West. On the other hand, during the fishing season, the fishing tyrants still extortion fishermen. Some of the victims were connected in tandem with them. They took up the battle of arms and fishermen and the ranks quickly developed to more than 100 people. The county government reported that the Kuomintang Provincial Security Command dispatched troops to fight the “encirclement and suppression,” and Ko Seung-gui, by virtue of its vast territory, defeated its enemy several times. The team, which has the banner of “removing violence from ravaging the enemy through good fortune,” and “robbing the rich and serve the poor,” has won the support of the poor fishermen. However, there are also awe-inspiring weaknesses in the ranks. Some people gangsters, some people gambling, smoky, in violation of the rules of the present
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195 0年 ,6月 2 5日 ,美帝国主义发动了侵朝战争 ,同时对我东北地区狂轰乱炸。毛主席于6月 2 8日 ,严斥美帝的侵略行径 ,发出了“全国和全世界人民团结起来 ,打败美帝国主义
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