脑性瘫痪 (CP)是小儿大脑在尚未发育成熟阶段受到各种因素损伤后出现的以中枢性运动障碍和姿势异常为主要临床表现的一组综合征 ,是儿童时期主要的致残性疾病之一 ,治疗较为困难[1] ;我们在综合治疗的基础上 ,对 44例患儿加吡拉西坦静脉滴注 ,并观察疗效 ,现报告如下。对象和
Cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of syndromes characterized by central dyskinesia and postural abnormalities as a major disabling disease in childhood after the cerebrum has been damaged by various factors in the immature stage of development First, the treatment is more difficult [1]; we in the comprehensive treatment, based on the 44 cases of children plus piracetam intravenous infusion, and observe the curative effect, are as follows. Object and