市场营销环境是企业生存发展的土壤,是企业在竞争中立于不败之地的重要条件。企业要健康生存,顺利发展,必须使自己的生产经营活动与整个社会的需要、社会经济的发展、商品市场的变化协调一致,密切衔接,要做到这一切,企业要不断调查、分析市场营销环境的状况和变化,并及时做出相应的决策,其重要意义是毋庸质疑的。 ●不对称的市场 今天我们面临的营销环境:一是全面改革;二是新旧体制交替:三是市场迅速发展。这就形成
The marketing environment is the soil for the survival and development of an enterprise, and is an important condition for an enterprise to be in an invincible position in the competition. In order to survive and develop smoothly, enterprises must coordinate their production and business activities with the needs of society as a whole, social and economic development, and changes in the commodity market. In order to achieve this, companies must constantly investigate and analyze marketing. The status and changes of the environment, and the timely decision-making, the significance of which is beyond doubt. ● Asymmetric market Today we face the marketing environment: First, comprehensive reform; Second, the old and new systems alternate: Third, the rapid development of the market. This forms