摄影在形式层面的讨论永远是艰难的,因为照片这种永远承载着信息的媒介太容易让观者陷入对信息本身的关注,而忽略载体本身的特性。正是这种倾向,让摄影批评在大多数时候陷入单纯对所谓风格和器材等“技”的探讨,而没有触及到摄影在“道”这个层面的信息。那么,摄影在形式层面存在哪些信息呢?这些信息与摄影师——镜头(照相机)——模特之间的关系又是什么呢?位于维也纳新王宫延伸部的阿尔贝蒂娜美术馆(Albertina)近日迎来了名为“为镜头而表演”(Acting for the Camera)的大师摄影作品展。
Discussion of the formal aspects of photography is always difficult because the medium of information that carries information forever is too easy for viewers to fall into the spotlight of the information itself and ignore the characteristics of the vehicle itself. It is this tendency that most of the time photography critics fall into simple “techniques” of so-called genres and devices without touching the information of photography at the “Tao” level. So what information does photography have at the formal level? What is the relationship between this information and the photographer-camera (camera) -modern model? Albertina, at the extension of the new palace in Vienna, recently Ushered in the exhibition entitled “Acting for the Camera” master photography exhibition.