他的标题和字里行间,总是诗意闪耀。对艺术的狂热和数学培养起来的逻辑思维,使他的性格在矛盾的二元统一中呈现出悖论的部分。There are always beauties and rhythms in his titles and words.The combination of his fanaticism for arts and the logical reasoning he got from his mathematical training produces a kind of dichotomy in his personality.
Between his headline and the word is always poetic shine. The logical thinking that fosters artistic fanaticism and mathematics has rendered his character a paradoxical part in the dual unity of contradictions. There are always beauties and rhythms in his titles and words. The combination of his fanaticism for arts and the logical reasoning he got from his mathematical training produces a kind of dichotomy in his personality.