Tibet:14 Years of Brilliant, Extraor Achievements——An interview with Raidi, vice-chairman of the Sta

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Tremendous changes have takenplace in Tibet under the state policy of reform andopening up to the outside world, especially over thepast 14 years since the Fourth Plenary Session of the13th Central Committee of the Chinese CommunistParty. Unprecedented are the development of the localeconomy, and so are the changes in the outlook ofcities and countryside in the region, and life of ethnicTibetan has kept improving.Raidi, vice-chairman of the Standing Committee ofthe National People's Congress (NPC), is a mostqualified eyewitness to these changes. He was born intoa serf's family before the Democratic Reform in thelate 1950s, and had worked on various leading posts inTibet before he was elected to NPC, China's highestlegislature. In July 1990, Jiang Zemin, then generalsecretary of the CPC Central Committee, cited Raidi asan example when speaking on the question of humanrights during an inspection tour of Lhasa. Said he,“What do human rights mean? Comrade Raidi, aformer serf, now works as the second most se Tremendous changes have takenplace in Tibet under the state policy of reform andopening up to the outside world, especially over thepast 14 years since the Fourth Plenary Session of the13th Central Committee of the Chinese CommunistParty. Unprecedented are the development of the localeconomy, and so are the changes in the outlook ofcities and countryside in the region, and life of ethnic Tibetan has kept improving. Raidi, vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), is a mostqualified eyewitness to these changes. before the Democratic Reform in thelate 1950s, and had worked on various leading posts in Tibet before he was elected to NPC, China's highestlegislature. In July 1990, Jiang Zemin, then generalsecretary of the CPC Central Committee, cited Raidi asan example when speaking on the question of humanrights during an inspection tour of Lhasa. Said he, ”What do human rights mean? Comrade Raidi, aformer serf, now works as the second most se
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