春雪 美国品种,6月下旬成熟,平均单果重215克,最大果320克。果实圆形,果顶尖圆,缝合线浅,茸毛短而稀。果皮底色白色,果面浓红色,全面着色。果肉白色,汁液多,味甜香气浓。粘核、核小、扁平、棕色。可溶性固形物含量12.5%,品质极佳,耐贮运,在树上可挂果20天不变软,货架期长,属桃中珍品。
Haruki US varieties, mature in late June, the average weight of 215 grams, the largest fruit 320 grams. Round fruit, fruit top round, sutures light, hair short and thin. Peel background white, fruit red, fully colored. Fruit white, juicy, sweet and scent thick. Viscous nuclear, nuclear small, flat, brown. Soluble solids content of 12.5%, excellent quality, resistance to storage and transportation, the tree can be fruitless 20 days fruity, long shelf life, is a peach treasure.