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目的评价卡铂(伯尔定)腔内给药治疗恶性浆膜腔积液的疗效及其毒副作用。方法对于恶性浆膜腔积液患者,采用中心静脉导管穿刺并置管,适量抽弃腔内积液后,腔内注入伯尔定150~450m g,每周给药1~2次,直至积液消失或判定无效后换药。结果本组76例可以评价疗效和毒副反应,治疗后完全缓解(C R)21例(28%),部分缓解(PR)33例(43%),无效(N R)22例(29%),总有效率71%。其中胸腔积液34例,有效率为79%(27/34);腹腔积液26例,有效率为50%(13/26);心包积液16例,有效率为87%(14/16)。全组毒性反应轻微,主要为Ⅰ~Ⅱ度骨髓抑制。结论伯尔定腔内治疗恶性浆膜腔积液疗效确切,毒副作用小,是一优选药物。 Objective To evaluate the curative effect and side effects of intracavitary administration of carboplatin (Burdin) for malignant serous effusions. Methods In patients with malignant serous effusion, the central venous catheter was punctured and placed in the tube. After the appropriate amount of effusion was discarded, intratracheal instillation of bueridine (150-450m g) was given once or twice weekly until the volume Liquid disappear or invalid after the determination of dressing change. Results The efficacy and adverse reactions of 76 cases were evaluated in 21 cases (28%) of complete remission (CR), 33 cases (43%) of partial remission (PR) and 22 cases (29%) of NR, The total efficiency of 71%. The pleural effusion in 34 cases, the effective rate was 79% (27/34); ascites 26 cases, the effective rate was 50% (13/26); pericardial effusion in 16 cases, the effective rate was 87% (14/16 ). The whole group of mild toxicity, mainly Ⅰ ~ Ⅱ degree of bone marrow suppression. Conclusion The treatment of malignant serous effusion is effective and the side effect is small. It is a preferable drug.
【关键词】武术文化;校本课程;课程建构;核心素养  【中图分类号】G633.95 【文献标志码】A 【文章编号】1005-6009(2019)59-0069-03  【作者简介】王飞,江苏省沛县湖西中学(江苏沛县,221611)校长,高级教师。  江苏省沛县素有“千古龙飞地,帝王将相乡”的美誉,沛县人自古崇文尚武,当今,沛县有大洪拳、梅花拳、少林拳等12大武术门派,先后培养了33名世界武术、技巧冠