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本研究用冰冻微观放射自显影和组织固定微观放射自显影平行地探讨了在针刺镇痛时,中脑中缝背核和中缝中央核部位胞体水平5-羟色胺的含量定位动态变化。实验选用【~3H】标记的5-羟色胺作示踪,由侧脑室注入。然后分电针组和对照组分离出中脑中缝背核和中缝中央核的脑组织,进行放射自显影的实验操作处理。结果发现在电针30分钟后,即痛阈显著增加时处死的机体,在中脑的中缝背核和中缝中央核的胞体内和胞体外,均可见到有明显增升的【~3H】-5-羟色胺放射自显影象,而在相应同期对照组的机体,则只有少量的放射自显影象存在。这些结果提示,针刺可激活中脑中缝核团中的5-羟色胺能神经元。中枢神经递质在针刺镇痛中有重要的作用,而其中的5-羟色胺的变化,被认为是重要的镇痛因素之一。因此,探讨它在针刺镇痛中的变化,可为针麻作用原理的阐明提供一些科学的依据。考虑到中脑中缝核是脑内含5-羟色胺的主要核团,而微观放射自显影技术能够把组织的形态和代谢定位的动态过程统一起来进行观察,因此本研究用冰冻微观放射自显影和组织固定微观放射自显影平行地探讨了在针刺镇痛时,中脑中缝背核和中缝中央核部位胞体水平5-羟色胺的含量定位动态变化。 In this study, frozen microscopic autoradiography and tissue fixation microscopic autoradiography were used to explore the dynamic changes of the 5-hydroxytryptamine content in the mesencephalic dorsal raphe nucleus and the central nucleus at the midline of the nucleus. The serotonin labeled with ~3H was used as a tracer and injected into the lateral ventricle. Then, the brain tissues of the midbrain dorsal raphe nucleus and the central nucleus of the midbrain were separated from the electroacupuncture group and the control group, and subjected to autoradiography. The results showed that after 30 minutes of electroacupuncture, when the pain threshold was significantly increased, the body was sacrificed. In the midbrain dorsal raphe nucleus and the central nucleus of the midbrain, both the intracellular and extracellular bodies of the central nucleus of the midbrain can be seen to have a significant increase [~3H]- Serotonin was autoradiographed, whereas in the corresponding control cohort, only a small amount of autoradiography was present. These results suggest that acupuncture can activate serotonergic neurons in the midbrain nuclei. The central neurotransmitter plays an important role in acupuncture analgesia, and the change of serotonin is considered as one of the important analgesic factors. Therefore, to explore the changes in acupuncture analgesia can provide some scientific basis for the elucidation of the principle of acupuncture. Considering that the midbrain nucleus is the main nuclei containing serotonin in the brain, microscopic autoradiography can unify the dynamics of tissue morphology and metabolic localization, so this study used cryomicroscopic autoradiography and Tissue fixation microscopic autoradiography parallelly explored the dynamic changes of 5-hydroxytryptamine content in the somoto of the midbrain dorsal raphe nucleus and central nucleus at the time of acupuncture analgesia.
处方: 大黄30克,白芨30克,血竭6克,黄连15克,黄柏15克,栀子15克,蒲黄15克,槐花15乱,苦参15克,紫草15克,冰片6克,蜂蜡120克,麻油1000克。制法: 将大黄、白芨、黄连、黄柏、栀
陕西省中医药研究院编著的《本草纲目附方分类选编》,最近已由人民卫生出版社出版,同读者见面. 我国明代伟大的医药学家李时珍的举世名著《本草纲目》,自刊印出版以来,近四