A comparative study and evaluation on the information indexing models under the networked environmen

来源 :Journal of Library Science in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ekinhushuang
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In the networked environment,literature information has the characteristics of mass quantity,rapid growth and continuous emergence of new words.Indexing is an effective measure and an important part of information resource organization.The quality and efficiency of indexing directly affect the quality and speed of information organization.The authors carry out a quantitative comparison among three indexing models:controlled indexing,free indexing and automatic indexing,using consistency,specificity,exhaustivity and amount of common words.Then they conclude that automatic indexing is better than free indexing and controlled indexmg. In the networked environment, literature information has the characteristics of mass quantity, rapid growth and continuous emergence of new words. Indexing is an effective measure and an important part of information resource organization. Quality and efficiency of indexing directly affect the quality and speed of information organization.The authors carry out a comparison comparison among three indexing models: controlled indexing, free indexing and automatic indexing, using consistency, specificity, exhaustivity and amount of common words.Then they conclude that automatic indexing is better than free indexing and controlled indexmg .
北京大学廉政建设研究中心主任李成言:公务员热是个世界现象。俄罗斯公务员考试也是很热的,报名踊跃,竞争激烈,甚至走后门。有一次梅德韦杰夫总统在讲话中说:“现在公务员考试这么热,大家都想进政府部门工作,这就证明政府是腐败的。”这句话很有份量,中国同样面临这样严峻的形势,中国的公务员热已经持续十年,这也是不争的事实。现在应该出现拐点了,理由是:  一是中组部专门有文件,要求考公务员必须具备两年以上基层工
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