为揭示灵芝(Ganoderma lingzhi)的生长发育规律,探索提高灵芝子实体和孢子粉产量的方法,将灵芝栽植在冷棚内和灯台树(Bothrocaryum controversum)下2种环境中,对其整个生命周期进行观测。结果表明:冷棚中灵芝较灯台树下灵芝出芝早,喷粉早,喷粉率高;而灯台树下灵芝平均单株子实体烘干重、孢子粉烘干重高于冷棚中,分别高出13.7%、104.1%。灯台树下灵芝孢子粉收获量远高于冷棚。灯台树下的生长环境,更适合灵芝子实体的长成和孢子粉的喷发。
To reveal the law of growth and development of Ganoderma lingzhi and explore ways to increase the yield of Ganoderma lucidum fruiting body and spore powder, Ganoderma lucidum was planted in two kinds of environment under both the canopy and the tree species Bothrocaryum controversum, and its whole life cycle Observation. The results showed that the ganoderma lucidum in the cold shed was earlier than Ganoderma lucidum in the lamp shade tree, the dusting rate was high and the powdering rate was high. However, the average weight of the ganoderma lucidum in the cold shed was higher than that in the cold shed, Respectively higher than 13.7%, 104.1%. Candle ganoderma lucidum spore powder harvest is much higher than the shed. Growing environment under the lamp tree, more suitable for the growth of Ganoderma lucidum fruiting body and the spore powder eruption.