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第六届住交会来了,东南西北各路英豪来了,各媒体来了,铺天盖地的报道也来了:北京晚报专刊,青岛日报专刊,文汇报足有半斤重的住交会专刊更为夸张……这些对住交会的挖掘、报料和美美的歌颂,想必各位看官早已领略过了,怎奈《安家》要到月底出刊,如果如此这般,怕也无甚新意,只好剑走偏锋,选择另眼相看住交会。这样做绝无哗众取宠之意,只想从这些细节和杂感中向您展示住交会的另一个侧面,也许也是一个更为真实的住交会。 The 6th Live Housing Fair came, the heroic people from all over the southeast and northwest came, all media came, overwhelming reports also came: Beijing Evening News Special, Qingdao Daily Special, Wen Wei Po with half a catty heavy live trade fair specials more exaggerated ... ... These excavations on the rendezvous, rehearsal and praise the United States and the United States, presumably Tell me what has long been appreciated before, “Home” to the end of the month, if so, there is no fear of new ideas, but the sword go slant front, Choose another look live show. There is no reason to be flirtatious in this way, just want to show you the other side of the rendezvous from these details and miscellaneous feelings, and maybe a more real live rendezvous.
比尔·盖茨出生于美国西北角的西雅图市。他先后就读于西雅图的里奇景小学、湖滨中学。从外祖母循循善诱的启蒙教育到父母不辞辛苦地为比尔寻找适合他天分的社团与学 Bill G