201 patients with normal glucose tolerance (NOGTT), 307 IGT patients and 366 newly discovered NIDDM patients aged from 25 to 74 years old were analyzed by Person single correlation analysis. Age, sex, BMI, fasting and postprandial blood glucose and insulin levels were positively correlated with blood pressure. After adjustment for age, sex, BMI, plasma cholesterol, smoking and other factors, NOGTT and IGT were related to blood pressure and blood glucose Irrelevant to blood pressure, suggesting that the impact of blood glucose levels on blood pressure occurred before diabetes. The levels of plasma INS in NOGTT, IGT, and NIDDM groups, NOGTT and IGT groups were not related to blood pressure, and only those aged less than 50 years old, non-obese NOGTT plasma INS level correlated with blood pressure, suggesting that plasma insulin levels affect blood pressure occurred in young Non-obese people with normal glucose tolerance.