国际劳工组织是致力于促进社会公平和国际公认的人权以及劳动权利的联合国专门机构。它成立于1919年,并从1920年起就设立了专门负责协调与合作社的关系、促进世界合作社发展的劳工组织合作社局。从那时起,国际劳工组织始终不渝地支持合作社的发展,力求通过与世界合作社运动的广泛合作,共同促进人类文明进步事业。在今年第81届国际合作社日来临之际,国际劳工组织又发表了重视和支持合作社发展的致辞。 ——编者注
The International Labor Organization is the United Nations specialized agency dedicated to promoting social equity and internationally recognized human rights and labor rights. It was established in 1919 and since 1920 the ILO Cooperatives Agency has been set up specifically to coordinate relations with cooperatives and promote the development of the world’s cooperatives. Since then, the ILO has unswervingly supported the development of cooperatives and has sought to jointly promote the cause of human civilization and progress through the extensive cooperation with the World Cooperatives Movement. At the 81st session of the International Co-operative Association this year, the ILO made another speech that emphasized and supported the development of cooperatives. - Editor’s Note