
来源 :农药市场信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Holden
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脐橙的裂果。日灼和脐黄是三大生理性病害,许多初种者缺乏防治经验。有些栽培脐橙最早的专业户在防治脐橙裂果、日灼和脐黄方面积累了丰富的经验,有效地控制了病害的发生。现介绍如下,供各地参考: Navel orange cracked fruit. Sunburn and umbilical yellow are three major physiological diseases, many early seedlings lack of experience in prevention and treatment. Some of the earliest specialized households that cultivated navel orange have accumulated rich experience in the prevention and treatment of navel orange crack, sunburn and navel yellow, effectively controlling the occurrence of diseases. Now introduced as follows, for reference:
吴碧霞是中国声乐界的传奇。  她打破了“西洋唱法”和“民族唱法”不可跨界的观念,成为首位在中国民族唱法和西洋美声唱法集于一身并获得最高国际奖项的歌唱家,被业界誉为“中西合璧的夜莺”。  自2000年起,她曾先后荣获多次重要的国际声乐比赛大奖,并在国内外举行了近30余场个人独唱音乐会,获得了很高的声誉,受到了音乐界和国际社会的极高评价。外媒曾如此评价她:“天上传来的声音”、“让世界凉叹的声音”,“来