Impressed by high?speed trains 令人印象非凡的中国高铁

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  One of the great things about living in China is how convenient it is to travel to different places, either within a city or across the whole country. China is especially famous for its high?speed trains which are among the most advanced in the world.
  Being from the UK, Id never been on a bullet train before I came to China, my country has no high?speed rail service. And as a fan of technology, I was excited to take a high?speed train in China for myself.
  The first time I took a bullet train was when I traveled from Beijing to Yueyang in Hunan Province for the Spring Festival. After I passed through security, I stepped onto the train, which looked like something from the future. On UK trains, there isnt much room to move about in your seat. This is why I was surprised by all the space that passengers on Chinese trains have, even in second class.
  Once the journey began, it was strange to hear about five different movies being played through peoples phones and computers. In the UK, most people dont even answer phone calls on a train, as they dont want to disturb other passengers. But at least I had a chance to practice my Chinese listening skills during that train ride to Yueyang, I suppose.
  Back home, trains are famous for being late or even canceled. And if a train does show up, its almost impossible to find a seat on it during the rush hour. Some stations dont even have security, meaning you can just get on and off any train you like, and buy your ticket once youre there. In China, however, things are a lot more efficient. And because everyone has their own seat, theres no need to rush once your train arrives. Indeed, once your journey begins, you can just sit back and enjoy the beautiful views through the window.
  I arrived in Yueyang safely and on time. And as I left the station, I couldnt help but think that this simple train journey summed up the talent, intelligence, hard work and efficiency of Chinese people.
  Do you think if Chinas high?speed trains really take the lead in the world?Why?
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海词积累  1.incredibly(Para. 1) adv.难以置信地  2.cringey(Para. 2) adj.尴尬的  3.inevitably(Para. 3) adv.不可避免地  4.bizarre(Para. 3) adj.怪诞的;异乎寻常的  5.mock(Para. 3) v.嘲笑;(模仿)嘲弄  6.saturate(Para. 4) v.使湿透;浸透;使充满  7.n
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