病例与家系作者遇到 1家 6例家族性Bell氏麻痹 ,现报告如下 :先证者 ,男 ,44岁。 1997年 12月 11日因受凉后突发右眼不能闭合 ,口角偏向左侧 1天为主诉而就诊入院。入院时体查 :神清 ,右乳突处有轻压痛 ,眼球运动正常 ,右眼球结膜轻度充血。右侧额纹消失 ,皱眉不能。睑裂右
Case and family author encountered a family of 6 cases of Bell’s paralysis, are reported as follows: proband, male, 44 years old. December 11, 1997 due to sudden cold after the right eye can not be closed, the left side of the mouth one day to complain and attend the main hospital. Physical examination on admission: Shen Qing, right mastoid tenderness tenderness, eye movement is normal, the right eye conjunctiva mild congestion. Right forehead pattern disappeared, frowning can not. Palpebral fissure right