A dual-band reconfigurable direct-conversion receiver RF front-end

来源 :半导体学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liyaohuaok
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A dual-band reconfigurable wireless receiver RF front-end is presented,which is based on the directconversion principle and consists of a low noise amplifier (LNA) and a down-converter.By utilizing a compact switchable on-chip symmetrical inductor,the RF front-end could be switched between two operation frequency bands without extra die area cost.This RF front-end has been implemented in the 180 nm CMOS process and the measured results show that the front-end could provide a gain of 25 dB and IIP3 of 6 dBm at 2.2 GHz,and a gain of 18.8 dB and IIP3 of 7.3 dBm at 4.5 GHz.The whole front-end consumes 12 mA current at 1.2 V voltage supply for the LNA and 2.1 mA current at 1.8 V for the mixer,with a die area of 1.2×1 mm2. A dual-band reconfigurable wireless receiver RF front-end is presented, which is based on the direct conversion principle and consists of a low noise amplifier (LNA) and a down-converter. By utilizing a compact switchable on-chip symmetrical inductor, the RF front-end could be switched between two operation frequency bands without extra die area cost. This RF front-end has been implemented in the 180 nm CMOS process and the measured results show that the front-end could provide a gain of 25 dB and IIP3 of 6 dBm at 2.2 GHz, and a gain of 18.8 dB and IIP3 of 7.3 dBm at 4.5 GHz. The whole front-end consumes 12 mA current at 1.2 V voltage supply for the LNA and 2.1 mA current at 1.8 V for the mixer, with a die area of ​​1.2 × 1 mm2.
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