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《隋书·经籍志》是一部唐代官修书目,是我国现存最古老的第二部史志书目,本文试从其作者、体例、著录方法、分类等几方面进行探讨,以期对《隋书·经籍志》有一个简单大概的了解。《隋书·经籍志》各部、类依《汉书·艺文志》之例写序。它主要依据隋代、唐初的政府藏书,并参考以前的目录书编纂而成。它继承和发展了汉魏六朝以来我国目录学的发展成果,影响并推动当时的学术思想的发展,在我国目录学史上占有重要的 “Sui Shu Jing Ji Zhi” is a Tang Dynasty official repair bureaus, is China’s oldest surviving second Shi Zhi bibliography, this article try to explore its author, style, description methods, classification and other aspects, with a view to the “Sui Shu · Chi Ji ”has a simple general understanding. “Sui Shu · Ji Zhi Zhi” ministries, according to “Han Yi Wen Zhi” case write order. It is based mainly on the government books of the Sui and Tang dynasties and is compiled from the previous catalog books. It inherited and developed the development achievements of China’s bibliography since the Han and Wei Dynasties and the Six Dynasties, and influenced and promoted the development of academic thought at that time. It occupies an important position in the history of bibliography