缺电形势严峻 前景不容乐观 我国电力建设正待加大力度王晓光,李鲁建刚刚过去的1994年,对中国来说依然是缺电的一年。电力供求矛盾日益突出,到去年夏季时达到顶点,高峰电力供不应求,全国几乎所有大中城市的配电网络和设施均严重超载,不得不大量拉闸限电,北京...
The situation of power shortage is grim. The prospects are not optimistic. China’s power construction is intensifying efforts Wang Xiaoguang. Li Lujian just passed in 1994 and is still a year of power shortage for China. The contradiction between power supply and demand has become increasingly prominent. It reached a peak last summer when peak power supply was in short supply. Almost all major and medium-sized cities in the country have severely overloaded their distribution networks and facilities, and they have had to shut off large amounts of electricity.