●饮茶的最佳时间:饭后立即喝茶不科学。因为饭后立即喝茶,茶叶中的鞣酸可与食物中的铁结合成不溶的铁盐,降低铁的吸收,时间长了容易诱发贫血。等饭后一小时,食物中的铁质已基本吸收完毕,这时喝茶就不会影响铁的吸收了。 ●锻炼的最佳时间:生理学家新近研究证明,傍晚锻炼最为有益。因为人的各种活动都受“生物钟”的影响,无论是体力发挥或身体的适应能力,均以下午或接近黄昏时分最佳。如人的味觉、视觉、听觉等都感觉最敏锐,全身协调能力最强,尤其是心律与血压都较为平
● the best time to drink tea: tea immediately after eating unscientific. Because immediately after a tea drink, tannic acid in tea can be combined with the iron in the food into insoluble iron salts, reducing iron absorption, a long time easy to induce anemia. One hour after the meal, the iron in the food has basically been absorbed, then tea will not affect the absorption of iron. ● the best time to exercise: Physiologists recently proved that evening exercise is the most useful. Because people’s various activities are affected by the “biological clock”, both physical exertion or physical adaptability, are the best afternoon or near evening. Such as human taste, vision, hearing, etc. are the most sensitive feeling, the strongest coordination of the body, especially the heart rate and blood pressure are relatively flat