我已经拥有了自己的事业。回顾我走过的路,推销是我成功的起点。 (一) 1992年。我从北京大学经济系毕业,分配到老家邢台的某机关工作。但不久,我便辞了职。促使我辞职的原因是:我想重塑自己,干一番属于自己的事业,即使失败,也不因虚度年华而后悔——至少,我做过自己想做的事。然而,今后的奋斗方向在哪儿?我心里没有底,孤身一人漫无目的地走在乡间小路上,突然遥遥看见邢台康妮日用化工厂的大门,我下意识地走进去。不料这一跨进成了改变我的人生的转折点。我在书上看到国外许多大企业
I already own my own business. Looking back at the path I walked through, selling was my starting point for success. (A) in 1992. I graduated from Peking University Department of Economics, assigned to Xingtai hometown of an organ work. But soon I resigned. The reason for my resignation was that I wanted to reshape myself and do my own business, and even if I failed, I did not regret it because I had spent all my time - at least I did what I wanted to do. However, where is the future direction of struggle? I do not have the bottom of my heart and I walked aimlessly in the country road without permission. Suddenly I saw the gate of Xingtai Kangni Daily Chemical Factory, I subconsciously walked in. Unexpectedly, this cross into a turning point in changing my life. I read in the book many large enterprises abroad