半夏是常用中药材,主要用于治疗感冒、咳嗽和胃肠型感冒等,临床使用量较大。近年来,因货源少,价格较高,有些商贩以水半夏冒充或代替半夏,以假乱真,临床如用药不对,轻者达不到治疗目的,重者耽误病情,甚至产生毒副作用,危害生命。1来源与产地半夏为天南科植物半夏Pinellia ternata(Thunb.)Breit.的干燥块茎。夏天的一半(阴历五月)而生,故取名半夏。主要产与
Pinellia is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine, mainly for the treatment of colds, cough and gastrointestinal flu, the larger the clinical use. In recent years, due to less supply, higher prices, some traders to Pinellia posed or replaced Pinellia, to counterfeit, clinical, such as medication is not the case, the light reach the purpose of treatment, severe cases of delay, even toxic and side effects, life-threatening . 1 Source and origin Pinellia ternata Pinellia ternata (Thunb.) Dry tuber of Breit. Half of the summer (lunar calendar May), so named Pinellia. The main production and