Subglottic stenosis is one of the most common causes of chronic airway obstruction in infants and young children. Such as endotracheal intubation or tracheal injury history, is generally considered congenital. The vast majority of acquired subglottic stenosis is the consequence of endotracheal intubation. Therefore, in children with a history of preterm labor and endotracheal intubation, respiratory distress must first be considered for subacoustic stenosis. Treatment of children with subglottic stenosis is difficult, as tracheotomy due to dyspnea, then wearing a tube may take more than 2 years, and during this period about 5% of the mortality. In recent years, selective surgical treatment of children, has achieved initial success. The author of the treatment of children with subglottic stenosis are as follows. First, the radiological examination: Obvious airway obstruction in infants and young children before endoscopy should be as far as possible for a non-invasive radiological examination, including: chest anteroposterior phase, neck soft tissue and barium meal phase examination to exclude throat Upper or upper mediastinal mass, blood vessels