Effect of Solute Drag and Precipitate Pinning on Austenite Grain Growth in Ti-Nb Microalloyed Steels

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hyslst
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A metallurgical model concerning the co-effect of the Nb solute drag and the complex carbonitride precipitates pinning is proposed to predict the recrystallization austenite grain growth of low carbon Nb-containing microalloyed steels.The analysis,both predicted and experimental,reveals the precipitate pinning plays a dominate role in suppressing the austenite grain growth with less Nb solute drag effect in high temperature region whereas the Nb solute drag predominates in relatively low temperature region.A factor p is suggested to assess the effectiveness of drag and pinning.The pinning and the drag are more effective in restraining grain growth as p>0 and p<0,respectively.A low carbon Nb microalloyed steel and a kind of Ti-modified low carbon Nb steel by Ti substituting for part of Nb are employed to validate the modeling results.The theoretical calculations show a good agreement with experimental results. A metallurgical model concerning the co-effect of the Nb solute drag and the complex carbonitride precipitates pinning is proposed to predict the recrystallization austenite grain growth of low carbon Nb-containing microalloyed steels. The analysis, both predicted and experimental, reveals the precipitate pinning plays a dominate role in suppressing the austenite grain growth with less Nb solute drag effect in high temperature region while the Nb solute drag predominates in relatively low temperature region. A factor p is suggested to assess the effectiveness of drag and pinning.The pinning and the drag are more effective in restraining grain growth as p> 0 and p <0, respectively. A low carbon Nb microalloyed steel and a kind of Ti-modified low carbon Nb steel by Ti substituting for part of Nb are employed to validate the modeling results. The theory calculations show a good agreement with experimental results.
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