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草莓白粉病属于低温高湿型病害之一,是草莓生产中的主要病害,特别是保护地草莓白粉病,发生严重时,病叶率在45%以上,病果率50%以上,严重影响了草莓的产量、品质和经济效益。当下正值草莓开花坐果期,为降低京郊草莓种植户的经济损失,北京市植保站引进新型生物防治药剂——解淀粉芽孢杆菌水剂,在顺义基地开展了草莓白粉病防治试验,以期寻找针对草莓白粉病的高效的生防药剂,在防治白粉病的同时,提高草莓品质。目前试验正在按计划进行中。截至2015年12月底,只有1 Strawberry powdery mildew belongs to one of the diseases of low temperature and high humidity, and is the main disease in strawberry production, especially the protective strawberry powdery mildew. In serious cases, the incidence of diseased leaves is above 45% and the disease-fruit rate is over 50% Strawberry production, quality and economic benefits. At the moment when the strawberry flowering and fruit setting period, in order to reduce the economic losses of strawberry growers in Beijing suburbs, Beijing Plant Protection Station introduced a new biological control agent - Bacillus amyloliquefaciens agent, carried out in Shunyi strawberry strawberry powdery mildew prevention and control in the hope of looking for For strawberry powdery mildew efficient biocontrol agent, in the prevention and control of powdery mildew at the same time, improve strawberry quality. The trial is currently underway. As of the end of December 2015, only 1