In order to ease the humanitarian concerns stemming from cluster munitions and to offset the pressure from radical countries to demand a total ban on such ammunition in order to reach a protocol to limit the manufacture, use and transfer of cluster munitions within the framework of the UN Convention on the Conventional Weapons (CCW) , The Group of Governmental Experts of States Parties to the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons has held four sessions. At the third and fourth sessions, experts from all walks of life mainly discussed the definition of cluster munitions, technological improvement measures, the rules of international humanitarian law restricting their use, transfer, victim assistance, remnants of submunitions and international cooperation, and finally The formed chairman’s text not only took into consideration the concerns of all parties but also left some key issues for follow-up talks and provided an important basis for further adjustment of positions by all parties. Can make the construction of our military’s military law more perfect so as to meet the needs of carrying out the tasks of non-war military operations in the future.