患者,男性,55岁,住院号:21869。因心前区时有闷痛2年余,心电图示左前分支阻滞,诊为冠心病。于1980年9月8日开始用“心脉灵”注射液250ml(内含成分:丹参、首乌、葛根、黄精)静脉点滴进行治疗,每日1次。于第15次时,当药液输入150ml 时,病人开始有腰痛、胸痛,继而恶寒、战栗、高热、头痛、全身不适,体温达40.5℃。随后出现口唇、指甲发绀,面色苍白,血压下降至60/40,查末梢血,白细胞为40,500,分类:N65%,L35%,血小板12万,血钾3.85mEq/L,血钠
Patient, male, 55 years old, admissions number: 21869. Because of precocious puberty when there are more than 2 years, ECG left anterior branch block, diagnosed as coronary heart disease. On September 8, 1980 began to use “heart vein” injection 250ml (containing ingredients: Salvia, Radix, Pueraria, Polygonatum) intravenous drip treatment, once daily. At the 15th time, when the liquid medicine was administered to 150 ml, the patient began to have back pain, chest pain, and then aversion to cold, trembling, fever, headache, general malaise, and body temperature up to 40.5 ° C. Lips, nails cyanosis, pale, blood pressure dropped to 60/40, check the peripheral blood, white blood cells 40,500, Category: N65%, L35%, platelets 120,000, serum potassium 3.85mEq / L, serum sodium