彭明治,湖南常宁人,1905年生,黄埔一期, 解放军中将。曾任红一师参谋长、新四军第三师第 七旅旅长、第四野战军第十三兵团副司令员兼参 谋长。建国后历任广西军区副司令员、驻波兰大 使、河北军区司令员、武装力量监察部副部长等 职。1993年5月10日在北京逝世。 温忠,湖南醴陵人,1902年生,黄埔一期,国 民党军少将。曾任第89师第267旅旅长。1932年 9月在汉口病故。
Peng Mingzhi, Changning, Hunan Province, born in 1905, Huangpu Phase I, lieutenant general of People’s Liberation Army. Served as a division chief of staff, the New Fourth Army Third Division seventh brigade commander, the Fourth Field Army thirteenth Corps Deputy Commander and chief of staff. After the founding of Guangxi army successive deputy commander, ambassador to Poland, Hebei military region commander, deputy minister of armed forces supervision department. May 10, 1993 passed away in Beijing. Wen Zhong, Liling, Hunan, born in 1902, a Whampoa, Major General KMT. Former 89th Division 267 brigade commander. September 1932 died in Hankou.