儿童期牙周炎是儿童于青春前期罹患的一种重型牙周炎,较少见。其特征为仅累及乳牙,可累及或不累及恒牙。Page 等报道了5例儿童病例,未发现如 Papillon-Lefevre综合征所见到的皮肤损害等临床表现,但有些患儿伴复发性,有时甚至是威胁生命的感染。外周血粒细胞功能检查,发现中性白细胞(简称 PMN)或/和单核细胞(简称 MN)功能缺陷。在临床上分为两型:①全部型:所有乳牙受累,牙龈炎症明显,牙周组织破坏迅速;②局部型:仅部分乳牙受累,牙龈
Periodontitis in children is a type of severe periodontitis that occurs in children in their preteen days and is less common. It is characterized by involvement of primary teeth only, which may or may not affect permanent teeth. Page et al reported 5 cases of children, did not find such as skin lesions seen in Papillon-Lefevre syndrome and other clinical manifestations, but some children with recurrent and sometimes life-threatening infections. Peripheral blood neutrophil function tests found that neutrophil (PMN) or / and monocytes (MN) functional defects. Clinically divided into two types: ① all types: all primary teeth involved, gingival inflammation is obvious, rapid destruction of periodontal tissue; ② partial: only partial deciduous involvement, gums