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2014年春节前夕,习近平总书记来我区考察并发表重要讲话,这是内蒙古发展史上的重要里程碑。总书记的重要讲话,为我区发展明确了新定位、赋予了新使命,是引领自治区改革开放和现代化建设的根本指针。以总书记考察内蒙古重要讲话精神为指导,自治区党委深化了对区情实际的认识和把握,进一步明确了内蒙古发展的目标方向、路径方法和重点任务;始终把贯彻落实讲话精神作为重大战略任务,自治区党委团结带领全区各族人民,统筹推进 On the eve of Spring Festival 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited our area for an inspection and delivered an important speech. This is an important milestone in the history of Inner Mongolia. The important speech of General Secretary has clearly set a new position for our region’s development and given a new mission, which is the fundamental guideline for leading the autonomous region’s reform and opening up as well as its modernization drive. Guided by the inspection by Secretary General of Inner Mongolia about the important speech made by Inner Mongolia, the party committee of the autonomous region has deepened the actual understanding and grasping of the district conditions, further clarified the target direction, ways and key tasks for the development of Inner Mongolia, taken the implementation of the spirit of the speech as a major strategic task, The regional party committees of the autonomous region united and led the people of all ethnic groups in the region to make overall plans for advancement
欧洲人不仅发明了现代足球,还将足球和商业结合得如此完美。意甲、西甲、英超、德甲和法甲,五大联赛宛若五朵奇葩,盛开在世界足坛。    意甲:国色天香的牡丹    从前每当听到中央电视台那句经典的广告词:“意甲联赛永不落幕”,总是心潮激荡,伴随着“米兰,米兰!”的歌声走过了一个又一个春夏秋冬。在我心里,意甲曾经是惟一;在我眼里。意甲永远是最好。它如牡丹一般雍容华贵,气度不凡,当为百花之王。  意甲最大