
来源 :国际经济法论丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jekiyi
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目次一、国际经济法渊源的含义二、国际经济关系的范围三、条约和涉外经济法是国际经济法的渊源四、分析与说明关于国际经济法的渊源,目前较为流行的一种观点是,具有普遍性的多边的国际公约和条约才构成国际经济法的渊源,双边条 First, the meaning of the origin of international economic law Second, the scope of international economic relations Third, the treaty and foreign economic law is the origin of international economic law Fourth, analysis and explanation On the origin of international economic law, the current popular view is that, The universality of multilateral multilateral conventions and treaties formed the origin of international economic law. Bilateral articles