Drama performance comes from life, is a process of accumulation, absorption, melting, creation, summarized, extracted. Theatrical performances on the stage, often singing, doing, reading, playing as the basic means of performance, in the theatrical performances of the integrated art arena, the performance is still very focused on the hands, eyes, body, law, step, these The art of drama is more dramatic than any other art, not only because of the high degree of concentration and the publicity of theatrical arts, but mainly because of its distinctive and clear-cut nature And action. Among them, the action is the center and support point of theater performance art. The operability of theatrical performance is not only the intrinsic source of the causal link between the occurrence of theatrical episode and the development of the plot, but also one of the important means of portraying the characters. Therefore, there are many factors that make up the operant of theatricality, , Verbal movements, rest and inner movements, etc., all of which are external ways to be presented to the audience during the performance on the stage. Therefore, the action of drama in the stage of the performance process, is an indispensable factor. Next, I will try to discuss the action of theatrical performance.