“国内 PDA 市场在经历了数年持续增长后首次出现负增长,降幅高达16.9%。2002年,低端 PDA 的销量大概只有去年的1/3。”Gartner Dataquest 也公布了统计数据称:与去年同期相比,今年第三季度全球 PDA 出货量仅微幅增长了0.9%,达260万部,如果第四季度需求没有大幅增长的话,预计市场全年增长率可能会极低或呈现零增长。最近,无论是统计数据,还是媒体的评论,都表达着一个声音,就是 PDA 的前途堪忧,更有甚者,干脆喊出“PDA 将死”的话。手机厂商来势汹汹,瞄准的是 PDA 手机的市场。“呼机、手机、商务通,一个都不能少。”这句成就了恒基伟业商务通霸业的知名广告词,如今已经成了一句笑话。PDA 真的穷途末路了吗?另一方面,DELL 宣布将要进入 PDA 市场,戴尔计算机公司首席执行官迈克尔·戴尔表示:“它是我们
“The domestic PDA market showed negative growth for the first time after a few years of sustained growth, down by as much as 16.9%. In 2002, low-end PDA sales were only about 1/3 last year.” Gartner Dataquest also released statistics said: Compared to the third quarter of this year, global PDA shipments increased by only 0.9%, reaching 2.6 million, if the fourth quarter, there is no substantial increase in demand, the market is expected to grow at a very low annual rate or showing zero growth. Recently, whether it is statistics, or media comments, all voiced a voice that is the future of PDA worrying, what is more, simply shouted “PDA will die” words. Mobile phone manufacturers menacing, aimed at the PDA phone market. “Pager, cell phone, business links, one can not be less.” This sentence achievements Henderson Albert CHAN business tycoons well-known ad, now has become a joke. PDA is really dead end? On the other hand, DELL announced that it will enter the PDA market, Dell Computer CEO Michael Dell said: "It is us