大规模移民是当今世界所面临的最严峻的考验之一。社会不平等、军事冲突和气候变化是数以百万计的人口被迫背井离乡的主要原因。通过运用建筑工具,In Transit工作营致力于寻找一种有格调、安全、新颖并且可持续的建筑解决方案,为漂泊他乡的难民提供庇护。in Transit工作营是奥斯陆建筑与设计学院(AHO)的一门研究生建筑与城市设计课程。该项目由挪威难民署和奥斯陆建筑与设计学院合作发起。设计工作营为学生提供关于联合国、国际人道主义活动的讯息,探究建筑、城市设计和城市规划应当如何在危机处理过程中扮演有机的角色。
Mass migration is one of the most severe tests in the world today. Social inequalities, military conflicts and climate change are the main causes of the forced displacement of millions of people. Through the use of construction tools, In Transit operates a search for a structured, secure, innovative and sustainable architectural solution that provides shelter for refugees who drift across the country. The in Transit Camp is a postgraduate architecture and urban design course at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO). The project was initiated by Norwegian Norwegian Office for Refugees and the Oslo School of Architecture and Design. The Design Camp provides students with a message about United Nations and international humanitarian activities and explores how architecture, urban design and urban planning should play an integral role in crisis management.