
来源 :花木盆景(花卉园艺) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:noonbird
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美籍华裔花卉盆景专家沈荫椿先生通过在大陆上的朋友转赠笔者一本《中国盆栽和盆景艺术》(沈荫椿、郭志娴、沈坚白,中英对照,美国加州南旧金山Unison Ctroup,Ine.出版1991),转眼已一年有半了。因我事冗而杂,总想静下心来先细嚼原著,再动笔。那知由于郑重其事,反而耽搁了时间。这次出差武汉,这笔文字债是非还不可了!昨天通读了沈氏等巨著,感奋之情,难以言状。这真是一本忠实反映中华盆景艺术的奇书,每位花卉、盆景工作者和欣赏者都应列之为必读书的。今天,我在兴奋之余,冷静地思考了一番,觉得此书问世不久,却已取得了轰动效应。究其致因,确由于它具备了以下几个鲜明的特色:首先,此书突出介绍并论证了盆栽和盆景起源于中国,证据确凿,令人折服。对于欧美人士,尤有震聋发聩之作用。著者还旁征博引地缕述其演化与发展,分期讲来,引人入胜。它肯定了盆栽与盆景之中国发端。这和美籍华裔教授李惠采早在50年代起,即已著书立说,有《中国名花》、《中国插花艺术 Mr. Shen Yinchun, a Chinese-American flowerpot expert, donated a copy of “Chinese Potted and Bonsai Art” by Chinese friends on the mainland (Shen Yinchun, Guo Zhixian, Shen Jianbai, Chinese-English comparison, 1991, Unison Ctroup, Ine, Half a year has passed. Because I am redundant and complicated, always want to stop and chew the original, and then write. That knowledge due to serious matters, but delayed the time. This business trip to Wuhan, this writing debt is not unforgiving! Read Shen and other monographs yesterday, the feeling of excitement unspeakable. This is really a fantastic book that faithfully reflects the art of bonsai in China. Every flower, bonsai worker and appreciator should be listed as a must-read book. Today, while I am excited, I think about it calmly and think that this book has achieved a sensation long ago. The reason is indeed due to it has the following distinctive features: First of all, this book highlights and demonstrates the potted plants and bonsai originated in China, the evidence is conclusive, convincing. For Europe and the United States, especially the role of deafness. The author also paraphrased the introduction and evolution of its evolution, staging speaking, fascinating. It affirms the beginnings of pots and bonsai in China. This is the Chinese American professor Li Huicai as early as 50 years, that is, has a book that has “China’s famous flower”, "China Flower Art
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