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胎儿健康是每个孕妈咪的最大心愿。但有时候,孕妈咪的一些坏习惯正是导致胎儿畸形的原因所在。下面,一起看看哪些孕妈咪更容易生畸形儿吧。造成胎儿畸形的原因主要有两种,一种是遗传基因缺陷导致胎儿畸形,属近亲婚配或有家族遗传性疾病者婚配最易发生此类问题;另一种是非遗传性基因缺陷导致胎儿畸形,往往是由于孕妇在怀孕期间对致畸因素忽视所致。 Fetal health is the biggest wish of each Bulletin board. But sometimes, some bad habits Bulletin boards is the cause of fetal malformations. Now, let’s see which Bulletin boards are more likely to deformity. The causes of fetal malformations are mainly two kinds, one is genetic defects lead to fetal malformations, is a close marriage or family history of genetic diseases are the most prone to such problems with the marriage; the other is non-genetic genetic defects lead to fetal malformations, Often due to neglect of teratogenic factors during pregnancy in pregnant women.
事件  据中国卫生部发布的《2007年中国控制吸烟报告》:中国烟民有3.5亿,是世界上吸烟人口最多的国家,而遭受被动吸烟危害的人数高达5.4亿。其中15岁以下儿童有1.8亿。据统计,中国目前每年约有100万人死于吸烟,预计到2050年将增至每年300万人。其中因患肺癌死亡的患者当中87%是因吸烟和吸二手烟引起。作为烟草大国,中国的禁烟之路还很漫长。(文章代码:1001)    饭后一袋烟,赛过活神
奇怪的遗嘱美国有一位冷冻学教授,在他临死之前曾嘱咐家属:“我死以后,不要火化,将我的遗体放在液氮中冷冻,以备有朝一日起死回生。”他在不久后死去,他家里人果然遵嘱 Stra
每天接触电脑对胎儿有什么影响? Q:我是一名编辑,每天都要面对电脑。我准备明年要一个宝 What are the effects of daily exposure to the computer on the fetus? Q: I am
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