Women's Vocabulary——Different Languages for Different Sexes

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Sex differences are a fundamental fact of human life and it is not surprising to find them reflected in language.It’s said that women tend to use more standard forms of English,while men tend to use less standard forms of English.Over the past thirty years,and as a result of the women’s movement,gender issues have become entangled with issues of language.Recent research indicates that sex may be more fundamental as an influence on sociolinguistic variation than has been recognized so far.This article will try to discuss the different language use between men and women. Sex differences are a fundamental fact of human life and it is not surprising to find them reflected in language.It’s said that women tend to use more standard forms of English, while men tend to use less standard forms of English. Over the past years , and as a result of the women’s movement, gender issues have become entangled with issues of language.Recent research indicates that sex may be more fundamental as an influence on sociolinguistic variation than has been so so far. This article will try to discuss the different language use between men and women.
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