近20年是我国国家级自然保护区发展史上的最重要时期,但在保护事业取得巨大成就的同时,自然保护与社区社会经济发展的矛盾凸显出来。处理好这对矛盾首要条件是对自然保护区社会经济要有深入了解。基于以上目的,对江西鄱阳湖南矶湿地国家级自然保护区社区进行了深入的社会调查,包括个别访问与问卷调查,涉及新建县南矶乡总户数1 590户,这些居民全部生活在保护区试验区。本调查的覆盖率达到全部农户的45%,扣除外迁农户后覆盖率高达69.3%。调查结果表明:(1)南矶乡保持着典型的湖区社会经济特征,其对湖泊自然资源依赖性极强;(2)保护区内渔业资源较为丰富,但区内渔产量因湖池不同而不同,因此,从承包湖池的渔获量来看,拥有较优的湖池的农户收入颇丰;(3)近几年,小龙虾产量猛增,市场价格攀升,成为当地农户的主要经济来源,因此,其捕获量与市场价格的波动将直接影响居民的收入与社会稳定。认为:(1)该保护区的主要保护对象是赣江—河口湿地生态系统,在不破坏其基本特征的情况下,适度捕捞,特别是对外来种小龙虾的捕捞,与自然保护不发生根本冲突;(2)由于当地农户收入颇丰,无外出动力,如何有效管理和利用湖泊渔业资源,是解决保护区与社区共同发展的唯一途径;(3)从长远来看,在各级政府支持下管理局应当建立一种机制,从根本上解决这一冲突并把社区农户作为保护的生力军。
Nearly 20 years is the most important period in the history of the development of China’s national nature reserves. However, while great achievements have been made in protecting the cause, the contradiction between the protection of nature and the social and economic development of the community has become clear. The first condition for handling this contradiction is to have a deep understanding of the social economy of nature reserves. Based on the above objectives, an in-depth social survey was conducted on the community of Nanji Wetland National Nature Reserve in Poyang Lake, Jiangxi Province, including individual interviews and questionnaires involving a total of 1 590 households in Nanxiao Town, Xinjian County, all living in protected areas test area. The coverage of this survey reached 45% of all farmers, with a coverage rate as high as 69.3% after removing migrant farmers. The survey results show that: (1) Nanxiao township maintains the typical socio-economic characteristics of lakes and its dependence on lakes natural resources is extremely strong; (2) The fishery resources in the reserve are richer, but the fishery output in the area is different due to lakeshore Therefore, from the point of view of the catch volume of contracted lakes, the peasants with better lake ponds have a good income; (3) In recent years, the production of crayfish soared and the market price soared, becoming the major economy of local peasant households Therefore, the fluctuation of its catch and market price will directly affect the income and social stability of residents. It is concluded that: (1) The main protected area of this reserve is the Ganjiang-Estuary wetland ecosystem. Without prejudice to its basic characteristics, moderate fishing is allowed, especially for the fishing of exotic species of crayfish, which does not occur at all with nature protection Conflict; (2) how to effectively manage and utilize lake fishery resources is the only way to solve the problem of common development of protected areas and communities because of their rich income and lack of motivation; (3) In the long run, at all levels of government support The lower authority should establish a mechanism to fundamentally resolve this conflict and use community farmers as a vital force for protection.